Thursday, September 23, 2010

How To Survive An Bear Attack

Bears are scary. They live in the woods, have a lot of teeth, and are just generally unfriendly animals. The exception being Smokey The Bear, who is quite polite despite being a little confrontational.

Anyway, if a bear were to attack you, what would you do?

That's the question which was posed to a Montana woman the other day, as she watched her dog get mauled by a 200 pound black bear that had wandered into her yard (full story here).

So what did she do?

She threw a zucchini at it. A 12-inch zucchini, to be percise. It hit the bear on square on the head, and it fled from the scene. Neither the woman nor her dog were harmed.

This proves something about life, I'm just not sure what.


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