Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Tickets Are Now Diamonds!

If you were watching the Super Bowl back in Feburary, you probably saw this spectacular advertisement from the guys at Old Spice. If not, watch it below immediately.

Isn't that great? Anyway, I was on YouTube the other day and I came across this awesome video, in which the two writer-producers are interviewed on a talk radio station. They reveal how exactly they made this commercial step-by-step, which I found incredibly interesting. Trust me, you'll be surprised. The video is 20 minutes long, which is ridiculous, so I'm providing a bit of a cheat sheet for you all below.

4:04 - 6:46 "The Bathroom Is Now A Boat!" aka The Transition Scene
8:00 - 8:36 "And That's Why They Get Paid More." aka The Writing Process
8:49 - 10:00 "Not Our Job! We Just Hang Out." aka The Diamond Effect
10:28 - 14:33 "He's On A Freaking Horse!" aka The Finale
17:40 - 18:07 "We've Been Drinking Since Ten." aka Heartwarming Moment

In other news, I updated the [SPONSORS] page. I came back from vacation and my inbox was flooded with emails from these guys...turns out I was getting in trouble for having out-of-date advertisments...hey, maybe you guys want to know about how awesome that sale was a month ago, who am I to judge?.

While I was at it, I worked out the few bugs/grammatical errors in the [FAILURE CAN BE FUNNY] page (Thanks for the heads up, "Rujuge23"!). A new installment of that story should be up in the next two days.



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