Yesterday I spent 8 hours spreading mulch and rock around my garden/yard. As a result, I am rather sore today. Even typing hurts. So I'm going to not type very much! Yes, I am a master of logic. And time-travel. But that's irrelevant.
Speaking of bad writing and paltry-at-best allusions, NBC is cancelling Heroes! Oh no! Well actually, I don't care a whole lot. Some TV shows should just know when their time is done and fade away peacefully (coughLostcough). Heroes should have broadcast the first season, taken a year off to contemplate the second, written it as a brilliant epic that tied up all the loose ends, and directly proceeded to call it quits while they still had their dignity and viewing audience comprised of more than the writer's mothers and trolls watching solely to point out the plot holes on message boards after the show (ex: If Hiro traveled back in time, it should have had more significant consequences, Gay-Noob!).
Speaking of trolls pointing out plot holes, I strongly feel that the show would have had been much better (aka not cancelled) if they had just let characters stay dead. I know Claire's blood can cure pretty much everything (except Hiro's tumor, which doesn't make a lick of sense) but that doesn't mean you SHOULD cure everybody. Sometimes people just need to die. Besides, infusing a dead body with healing properties would just leave you with an extremely healthy corpse. Just saying.
If you look to the top of this page, directly under the title, you'll see I have created a new tab entitled "Justin's Thoughtage". I realized that I think...a lot. Some of these thoughts are inspiring, others amusing, and most completely batshit. I will be largely forgoing the first two in favor of the latter. Check it out and take a peek inside the #$*%ed up mind of yours truly.
Have a great Sunday!
-- Justin
I never liked Heroes, X-Men rip off!!